When this period is over and written about I hope and pray that people will understand that Bernanke's temporary zero interest rate policy (ZIRP) 2008-2015 was the financial crime of the century. By destroying price discovery in the most important price on the planet,
the price of capital, he made any project with a positive return look economic which led to enormous mis allocations of capital and the largest debt bubble in the history of mankind. It has now burst and the pain we are experiencing lays primarily at the foot of this man.
His 2002 "helicopter money" speech set the framework and we are now setting up for hyperinflation. SHAME SHAME SHAME. Degrees from MIT and Harvard and yet High School graduates have more horse sense. Hey Ben, we will not forget. Hero? I think not. Let's get this right.
Some of us saw this coming. No one listened The FEDERAL RESERVE MUST BE ABOLISHED. The US Constitution says that only gold and silver coin can serve as money. These people burned down our economy and ruined the lives of millions of people by plundering a great nation.
WE WILL NOT FORGET. Those of us who are the remnant will return to first principles and will return to a sound money system. We will rebuild and these men will be shamed in the anals of history.
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