okay so. haven't said this in a while and i have new followers

the reason we +18 accounts don't allow minors is because it's dangerous for you and illegal for us. you can explore your sexuality but please, away from my account. i'm not responsible for you and i don't want to be.
specially my account, because i draw and rt things about hard kinks and strong bdsm imagery. it can be scarring for some and the +18 limit is set for a reason. even if you think you can handle it: don't make me responsible. explore on your own, without envolving me and others.
this account is my safe space and i don't like people betraying my trust. i don't like making witch hunts looking for minors to block. i like trusting my followers and know you're mature and responsible for the content i provide.

please, be that mature. be that responsible.
i'm not going anywhere. you're welcome to follow me when you are older. i'll be happy to show you my content then.

be safe and be understanding, please. i don't hate you. i just don't want you to get hurt or me to get in trouble.
so please, if you are under 18 don't interact and don't follow. we'll both be safer that way.

thank you 💗
You can follow @witchmeetsevil.
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