I understand that a lot of SixTONES' job are bcs of they are Johnny's and not a no name idol group. They got the agency as their first stepping stone.

But a lot of their current job they got through fans support and auditions.
Fun (not rly) facts!

5 years ago, they were not this good. And not just performance wise, they also don't rly get along. Hokuto said they even look for each others mistakes, and no matter how bad they wanted this group, things weren't going well. https://twitter.com/oreranoneiro/status/1242303358859264005?s=19
I'm glad they debuted now, when they actually understand each others enough. I'm glad instead of attacking other members like back then, they use the rivalry to improves themselves. They express their insecurity before, how most of them feels like they're not good enoughー
ーcompared to other members. So they raised their own level.
More fun facts!

Taiga became Newsies lead after years of hard work and the director (who isn't someone from J&A) decide he suited the role.

Hokuto got to act in Sakamichi no Apollon through audition. Perfect World & 10 no himitsu are offered to him, by same director.
Kochi's school kakumei is also an audition (one w/ his Johnny's audition lol).

Jesse's Sukkiri We news was through audition too.

SixTONES were chosen by Youtube Jp for Artist Promo Campaign bcs of the high view counts. They proposed to Yt's California HQ first before askingー
ーJ&A, who agreed. Japonica Style MV were a part of Artist promo campaign too.

Their regular radio, SixTONES ANN Saturday Special is an offer from Nippon Housou, after their SP bangumi (19/8/1 & 20/1/2) got great response from the fans.
im just tired of ppl saying SixTONES got their job bcs they're favored by the mgmt...

Back then, maybe yes. B.I.Shadow were the most pushed Jr group, Shintaro debuted as Snow Prince, Taiga always been a non-unit Jr frontman, Hip Hop JUMP also one of front Jr group.
Hoku said he got picked for Bakaleya bcs he was sulking after Sexy Zone's debut 😂 idk how the rest got picked, but even after Bakaleya they got separated didn't get a group name until 2015, after they asked.
anw I would like to end this thread w/ my favorite baby
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