Inspired by the many lists made by @masaccio60 lately, I decided to make my own #Top10 of my favorite Austro-Hungarian artillery of the #GreatWar. This is as un-scientific as it can get, and the "cool-factor" has counted for a lot! 😁

#WW1 #WWI #FWW #History #Artillery #Cannons
10: 22.5 cm Minenwerfer M.15
Starting off with a heavy trench mortar. This one made the list for simplicity and for being a iconic weapon in the Austro-Hungarian arsenal. A good weapon it was not! It was quite inaccurate and bombs tended to flip in the air causing many duds.
9: 10.4 cm Feldkanone M.15.
With a max. range of 16,200 m., this was the primary long range field gun of the Austro-Hungarian Army. Just under 600 were made in total, and they saw plenty of post-war service with the Italian, German and Polish armies. A good field piece overall.
8: 42 cm L/15 Küstenhaubitze M. 14.
With each shell weighing 1,020 kg., this was the biggest gun in the arsenal of the Austro-Hungarian Army. The gun itself weighed 105,000 kg.! Size is impressive, but also a bit impractical, hence the relatively low ranking on the list.
7: 20 cm Luftminenwerfer M.16.
I could've picked any of the many types of pneumatic trench mortars used by the Austro-Hungarians, as I have a real affinity for these unique and interesting weapons. Simple, cheap and with little sound and no visual signature - what's not to like?
6: 3.7 cm Infanteriegeschütz M.15.
Bigger is not always better, and this small caliber trench gun was perfect against fixed positions like machine gun nests and observation posts. First field tested in 1915, these guns inspired most other belligerents to develop similar designs.
5: 15 cm schwere Feldhaubitze M.14.
The war quickly showed that the Austro-Hungarians were severely lacking effective medium and heavy artillery. Škoda stepped up, and in record time they designed, tested and produced this excellent gun which entered service in late 1914.
4: 24 cm Kanone M.16.
The rarest piece on the list. Just two of these guns were delivered by Škoda during the war. They were designed to deliver heavy artillery support at long ranges (26+ km), beyond the range of the Austro-Hungarian Army's 42 c, and 38 cm super heavy howitzers.
3: Škoda 7.5 cm Gebirgskanone M.15.
A symbol of the Alpine War! This mountain gun was perfect for its intended role and probably the best of its kind. It also saw extensive service with the Germans on the Western Front as anti-tank guns. This list wouldn't be complete without it!
2: Škoda 30.5 cm Mörser M.11.
From one iconic piece to another! This heavy mortar saw service everywhere and was arguably one of the best artillery pieces of the war. 79 of these were built - quite a lot for artillery this size and an indication of just how good guns these were!
1. 38 cm Belagerungshaubitze M.16.
My all-time favorite artillery piece of the war! Based on a scaled-up 30.5 cm Mortar (no. 2) and more versatile than its 42 cm big brother (no. 8). It had a max. range of 15 km and could fire one 750 kg. shell every 5 min.. Just an awesome gun!
So that's it! My Top 10 Austro-Hungarian artillery pieces of the First World War. Feel free to leave a comment. Do you agree? What did I miss? What's your favorite piece of the war?
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