a thread from a heartfelt fan of reasons why @billboard should put @5SOS where they belong, #1
1. It’s actual an amazing album with hope that deserves the number 1 spot #BillboardIncludeThe10k
3. It is an unfair situation the boys had no control of the 10k being released and for you to be unfair right along with it is shameful and I’d spit on you if I could #BillboardIncludeThe10k
2. The fans, the boys, the producers, everyone involved has put up their best efforts and it does not end with you doing the wrong thing #BillboardIncludeThe10k
4. It is deserved and you know it #BillboardIncluedeThe10K
5. Be on the right side of history #billboardincudethe10k
6. Others add to this thread with your reasons #5sos #BillboardAddThe10k
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