1/4 (THREAD) The one person who has epitomised Corbynist antisemitism over the last few years is Jeff Mitchell ( @WarmongerHodges), an obsessive, virulently antisemitic @UKLabour member from Bristol. HT/ @_samisaviv @gnasherjew @Keir_Starmer @LabourAgainstAS @lordjohnmann @EHRC
2/4 Like all left-wing antisemites, he habitually refers to all Jews who have taken a stand against the racism which he personifies as the 'Israel lobby'. And, of course, the grossly offensive accusation that Jews/Israel exploit the Holocaust is very common amongst antisemites.
3/4 Corbynist antisemites are often abusive misogynists, and Mitchell personifies this premise. He obsessively targets and demonises Jewish women like @rachelrileyrr, @bbclaurak and @margarethodge as he sees them as principal movers in the downfall of his hero @jeremycorbyn.
4/4 Many people complained to @UKLabour about Mitchell, but no action was taken. If @Keir_Starmer is serious about rebuilding his party's relationship with Britain's Jewish community, he must make it clear that Labour is no longer a safe haven for racist antisemites like this.
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