Just a comment I made on a FB post just now. I'm just gonna-put it here. 🤔 @AustinSteinbart @TS_SCI_MAJIC12 @Michael_Rae
[re: Q drops @ C_A vs NSA]

The C_A vs NSA was slight disinformation. It was technically CIA vs DIA - NSA/Admiral Rogers (and friends)
betrayed the Deep State = sustained DIA's dominance in the wake of the foiled "fixed election" DIA "unfixed" - with help. Like Kemp as Sec of Sate of GA did when we tipped him off about the planned election stealing cyber attack from DHS he was waiting to foil,
ensuring the narrow victory for Trump here.
Just letting you know, "Disinformation is necessary". But it's not like the Creepies We Slayin' didn't know it was DIA they were fighting.
We mainly wanted to fly under the radar, a bit, among the anons so you didn't figure stuff out too fast and foil our efforts. For that we have respect. And why Disinformation is necessary. This one was more of a small nuance,
you will be surprised who was talking to us via Q comms (drops). When you finally figure it out, you'll also be told by Q himself what was and wasn't disinformation, what "decodes" were good and weren't (lot's of them just weren't right, it's not the end of the world either),
a lot of things.
I will give you all one spoiler... QAnon, as an Operational Phase of a much longer (Infinite Now Longer) and "larger" Operation, ends in a big warm unity party with lot's of popcorn confetti.
But the last chapter is here, and it's kinda stressful.
Just keep reading to the end! It will all make sense.
And yes, we all did our part to help save the children. Once we unite around the founder and formerly "anonymous" leader of this Community, then Phase 2 starts. Basically we gotta bring the Lefties over.
Convince the entire nation and then the world to become Trump supporters. But there is A LOT on the technical side (like the coming global reserve currency, XRP, and Starlink, etc.) that are going to create whole new dynamics that getting good Military Planning and Coordination
between Forces will expand our reach many-fold.
For the time being, wait for Austin to prove himself once and for all, get over it, and put as much liquidity (spare money) in XRP, after you do about a 3 hour YT binge about it. Let me know if you want any good starter links.
Relax for a minute. The cleanup after this Storm will take generations... but we will be seeing very prominent early success in our Mission to get Trump elected and begin building a New World ruled by God aligned decent human beings, instead of Vampires.
You can follow @J_D_Abercrombie.
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