Here is my Covid-19 Update from Sweden:

Things have NOT gotten better at all, in fact,
as of yesterday, 428 Deaths.

March 29th, there are 121 deaths.

397 people in ICU
Until April 3rd the Swedish gov. claimed that Covid-19 was NOT contagious during the incubation period, that they were only contagious once they showed symptoms.

Of course it is contagious before symptoms appear.🤦🏼‍♀️

You'll need this: 
Either the Swedish gov. is stupid, or they've been lying to their citizens.

MOST respiratory viruses are contagious at some point during the incubation, prior to symptoms showing.

"The Public Health Authority changes its view of the risk of infection"
again, here's a translator, it's in Swedish: 

"Does the coronavirus infect during the incubation period? The Public Health Authority has previously answered no to this question, but has changed and is now making the same assessment as other countries."
"Until recently, the Swedish Public Health Authority has considered that infected persons CANNOT pass on the virus during the incubation period. The Authority's assessment differed, among others, from the European Anti-Infection Protection Agency (ECDC) and the CDC.
The Public Health Authority has now changed to a similar position, albeit a bit more cautious. The authority now writes on its website that there are "theoretical risks" that a person who does not yet show symptoms can infect others on close contact.

Theoretical? 🤦🏼‍♀️🤬

"The text also states that "a few cases" have been reported where the virus was transmitted from people during the incubation period."

Swedes really TRUST their government, so for the government and head epidemiologist to be saying this, is fucking CRIMINAL.
I'm shocked by this.
Most respiratory viruses are contagious during the incubation period, this is how they spread, people go out NOT knowing they are sick.

This is from February, World Health Organization:
More information on how Sweden is handling the Covid-19 Pandemic:
In the USA... the Left Wing Democrats are the ones who care, and are taking Covid-19 seriously.

In Sweden... the Social Democrats LEFT don't care , and it's the Conservatives that are worried and care about the citizens.

It's like upside down world.
This video will be confusing to my Liberal American friends.

This guy is very controversial, and Right Wing, BUT, on this issue, you'll see how he talks about this like American Democrats.

He uses sources and quotes, so that's why I'm posting this:
Sweden is a VERY complicated country, with very complicated politics and issues.

Yes, he will say a few things you might find startling regarding immigration, but again, that is an issue that in Sweden is NOT like the USA, and is far more complicated.
Regardless of what some people may think of some of his videos, on this issue of Covid-19... he's 100% CORRECT and it will give you an idea of just how screwed up the Swedish government is treating this pandemic.
It's NOT easy to find reliable videos of what is going on in Sweden that are done in English... so, my options are rather limited.

I'm posting this so you can all understand what is going on in Sweden, and the governments response.

Sweden = 10.2 million

Denmark = 5.6 mil
Norway = 5.4 mil
Finland = 5.5 mil

Denmark, Norway, Finland
combined population of 16.5 million

Together they have 290 deaths

Sweden has 506 deaths
415 in ICU

78 died yesterday
400 this week 
By the way, Sweden now has 899 deaths, almost double the deaths since April 7th, 1.78 times the deaths in 4 days.
7.68% of the Swedes who have tested positive
for COVID-19 have died of the virus.

Norway has a case fatality rates of 1.46%

and Denmark 3.85%

The U.S. case fatality rate is 3.21%
“Herd immunity doesn’t make sense because we don’t know whether or not you can become immune,” says Nele Brusselaers, an associate professor of clinical epidemiology. She added, “this is a virus that can kill anybody.”
"The problem with herd immunity is that we don't have any data on this yet," Nauclér said. "The data that we at least have access to and the developments that we've seen in different countries just say that, no, this is not a path that is safe to take."
April 6th, we had 428 deaths

April 11th, we now have 899 deaths.

The deaths have doubled in 5 days

Still NO action by the government and Swedes are still all rosy and happy with the governments inaction, convinced that Herd Immunity comes with everybody getting Covid-19.
I am now BLOCKING Swedish people who come at me with stupid ridiculous arguments.

I don't put up with it from Americans, I won't put up with it with Swedish people acting like the government is dealing with this perfectly.

This is the kind shit the LEFT Wing Swedes are saying.
Ohhh, here's another, these were 5 minutes apart.

They need to stop using words they don't know the fuckig meaning. 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️😩🤬
I used to have huge respect and admired how Swedish citizens have such trust in their government...NOW... I think it is crazy, their extreme trust is misplaced while the government is leading them to slaughter.
I will translate it here:

Far more Swedes may have died of corona

Professor: Those who die at home are not included in the statistics
The number of deaths in Covid-19 is now increasing alarmingly in Sweden, but there are strong reasons to suspect that the true number is significantly higher than that reported by the Public Health Authority.
This is not just due to a delay in reporting. A far more important source of error is that only deaths among people with confirmed Sars-cov-2 infection are reported and Sweden has performed significantly fewer laboratory tests than most other countries.
The National Health Authority's updated national recommendation (2020-04-01) for sampling gives priority to persons in need of hospital care and care who have become ill with acute fever or respiratory symptoms without known cause.
Patients with suspected coronary symptoms who seek medical care but are not so ill that they need to be cared for are sent home without being tested and will not continue to be prioritized.
but newspaper reports show that the capacity for such tests is insufficient, and patients risk dying before the mobile the sampling team arrives.
In Sweden, the Public Health Agency has, at long last, issued a ban on visits to elderly homes, but it is maintained in the view that even those who have infected relatives can continue to work if they feel healthy.
The Public Health Authority should not be ignorant that symptom-free carriers can spread SARS-CoV-2. According to an article in Science, 79 percent of those infected have been infected with symptom-free carriers.
For the whole article, you can use Google Translate.

But, yes... that is correct, you read the right.. the Swedish government DENIED that it can be transmitted by people not showing any symptoms.

This is why Sweden is such a MESS right now. 
You can follow @JustAGurLnSwedn.
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