Man. Veronica Mars was a seriously dark show. All I knew going in was that it was about a teenage PI. Not exactly Harriet the Spy.
Also, the tonal shifts are really fucking jarring. I mean, the pilot ep spends like 10 min setting up that she's not like other girls and she's cool and quirky then hard cut to murder, then mooning over the lifeless mannequin of a starter-boyfriend, then hard cut to her assault
Also, like 3 eps in, I already know who she's going to end up with. I googled it and I'm right. And I know I predicted it based on pretty much him being awful and in need of redemption and the fact that they shared a meaningful glance, but he genuinely doesn't seem to like her
Like, following the Chuck&Blair model, he has to start off as a dick, but like, Chuck always visibly liked the quirks of Blair. Logan seems to find Veronica annoying. And I know, backstory blah blah, but he finds her nosy. And she is. That's her THING and he seems to HATE it.
Well he does seem to care about her in the end of season 1, but that has a lot of issues other than that. Most of all, if you are dating someone and find yourself asking yourself if that person MAY have sexually assaulted you, I think you need to find a new relationship
And that whole penultimate S1 ep is a mess. Like, it does end up kind of being Logan's fault in a lot of ways. And then Veronica hard cuts from feeling bad for accusing him of it to 'oh, he's a murderer'. Like, you don't seem to have a high opinion of the dude you're dating
Yeah, I'm bowing out after the first season. Like, this might be harsh, but I find Veronica slightly annoying now and I can only see it getting worse. I don't want to sit through the inevitable hundred break/make-ups between her and Logan, most of which will probably be her fault
And the new mysteries to be solved will have less to do with her, so her pathological need to get involved is only going to be more apparent and she's not going to trust Logan and he's going to get angry because he clearly has anger issues and daddy issues
Also, I know that season 4 pissed off a lot of people so I don't see the point in sticking it out only to get a HIMYM style ending.
I fully understand that these read like the ramblings of an insane person, but I don't have a person to discuss Veronica Mars discourse with so posting it to the void seemed like a good idea. I won't lie: I will probably return to this thread to rant some more at some point
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