There is an urgency in the nation right now. # hashtag#rightnow hashtag#urgency hashtag#nation Due to the lockdown, most people in the country have little money and even less food to feed themselves. It is not that they don't have the sense to have a stock at home.
But the fact that they live in such a hand to mouth condition that there is uncertainty about tomorrow. Famous economist Jean Dreze is of the opinion, that if this lockdown stretches, with the economy there will be a very serious problem of the human condition.
We might end up going through a famine like situations for the millions of Indians who do not belong to top 30% of the country. While we work from home, up-skill ourselves for better job options, learn how to cook that favourite Thai curry let us also donate some of our privilege
In kind to these people. Let us not be the only ones who survive through this period. Let us share more so that maybe the conditions of survival decrease but the number of survived increases.

I am not asking you to send money to me, or to any one organization.
But look up Media Channels, NDTV in particular is flashing SOS messages from across the country. One can donate via those. There are civil society organizations and NGOs working in almost all states, one can donate through those. hashtag#SOS
Please retweet this thread as much as you can. When you retweet, maybe a person who could donate would see it. We as a nation came together last evening to strengthen our resolve to fight this deadly virus, let us continue our unity to fight starvation and hunger. #foodshortage
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