I think a lot of the ridiculous language used around Corbynism (including referring to it as 'student politics' when in fact it was one tof the few strains of politics that acknowledged reality) arose from petty snobbery.
I genuinely think that so many in and around the party were focused on individual aspiration, they lost sight of social aspiration, and could barely bring themselves to acknowledge poverty, nevermind have the chest to say outright that they were on the same side as people who
were living it, because they preferred not to be associated with them. They really bought into rhetoric sold by Reevers of Blood, and were quite aghast that the party might want to help people who had so far been helpfully framed as scapegoats, incl immigrants and the disabled.
Those people were happy to rely on these groups' votes, but please don't mistake them for 'one of us'. I'm not saying all, but from discourse on here and beyond it, it's quite clear there was a lot of it.
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