People deprived of top flight sport can thrill to the news that today sees @AuthorsCC embark on an #elite book cricket tournament. My team of Anglo-Saxons will be taking on @benfalkwriter's 1990s Hollywood XI.
My team:
1. Offa
2. St Cuthbert
3. Beowulf
4. Alfred the Great
5. St Hilda of Whitby
6. Athelstan
7. The Venerable Bede (wkt)
8. Holland, T (c)
9. Æthelflæd
10. Hengist
11. Horsa
The opposition:
1. Keanu Reeves
2. Winona Ryder
3. Judd Nelson
4. Andrew McCarthy
5. @benfalkwriter (c)
6. John Candy
7. Kevin Costner (wkt)
8. Ally Sheedy
9. Rachael Leigh
10. Anthony Michael Hall
11. Ralph Macchio
You can follow @holland_tom.
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