Y'all, who's the Georgia Republican who admitted that if everyone could vote absentee a Republican would never win? Google has already lost it.
Thanks all. I know everything is stupid & nothing matters, but honestly, Rs complaining about possible voting fraud via the vote-by-mail is just hilarious. The party has has been working nationwide to suppress the vote for decades. They know they can't win a fair election.
I'm gonna write a post about it and bunch of people who already agree will read it and agree even harder and then Republicans will cheat anyway wheee
Just think about how hard it would be to cheat at any meaningful level using vote by mail. Every ballot is paper; every voter gets a detached stub w/ a code they can use to check their vote registered. You'd have to go into thousands of voters' homes and, what, pay them 1 by 1?
"Republicans are trying to prevent a free and fair election in November" should be a phrase every human being with a D after their name says so many times between now and November that they start mumbling it in their sleep.
Always remember the real reason Republicans oppose voting by mail: they don't want everyone to vote. https://twitter.com/RepThomasMassie/status/1242573156776378371
Yesterday on Pod Save America, @jonfavs asked @ewarren whether Democrats should demand universal vote-by-mail as a condition for supporting another stimulus bill. Her answer: "Yes, yes, yes." Watch for my piece on this tomorrow. https://crooked.com/podcast/more-warren-less-kushner/
Convenient voting is for important people, not the masses. (Trump is all the reactionary impulses, utterly stripped of the flowery talk & misdirection that usually accompany them.) https://twitter.com/MSNBC/status/1247658663617138691
Wall to wall lies & conspiracy theories from Trump from now until forever. https://twitter.com/atrupar/status/1247652782347292681
Since I've been doing a thread about voting by mail (and the idiot things Republicans say about it), I might as well add this to it: https://twitter.com/drvox/status/1247922163371384832
And apparently this thread will never end, because Trump keeps saying transparently idiotic things about vote by mail. https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1247861952736526336
For the record, as I wrote in my piece this morning, vote-by-mail seems to increase turnout across the board -- and recent evidence shows that the boost in turnout benefits both parties roughly equally. Hilarious that Rs are terrified of turnout, but they don't need to be.
In business, politics, or personal life, Trump a) cheats & b) accuses opponents of cheating. Like all horrible people, he believes on a fundamental level that *everyone* is horrible -- that everyone cheats & accuses opponents of cheating. Just how the game, any game, is played.
So it's important, in coming months, not to be led down rabbit holes, not to think that the details of any particular accusation are important. The accusations themselves are the point -- to create a fog of mistrust in which everyone can believe what they want to believe.
As I said in my piece, Trump & the reactionary base will say they were cheated if they lose. Period. No matter what. To keep them from pulling the broader public down with them, we desperately need a transparent, trackable, auditable system (ie, vote-by-mail).
There's no preventing the RW machine from doing what it's going to do (and it's a fool's errand to try to respond to individual accusations that will never stop coming). The only hope is creating a *reality* that can stand up to intense scrutiny: hand-countable paper votes.
Ultimately that's the reason Rs will oppose vote-by-mail. They don't want transparency or trackability, they want uncertainty, chaos, and fog in which they can cheat. That's why Ds should lay down on the railroad tracks for this. Without it, nothing else will matter.
Good for Acosta. It would be really, really nice if the political media did not both-sides this issue. https://twitter.com/atrupar/status/1248017282191601664
The more he talks about this, the less coherent he becomes. HOW is absentee voting different? 100% mail-in voting is just ... more of it. https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1248031484532928514
Of *course* the public wants the mail-in-vote option. The other alternative is mingling with groups of people during a f'ing pandemic! https://twitter.com/IanVandewalker/status/1248241751644667905
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