Jun having so much fun fishing for seerfish 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Jun scolding (and slapping) the fish for jumping and hitting his butt
Jun putting a paper towel over the seerfish because it's scary to be right next to it while eating it 🥺
Imagine being a child growing up on Cheongsando and one day Seventeen comes to your island and you sing Mansae with them
Sebongs lying through their teeth sebongs sharing a piece of chocolate that Mingyu found on the ground
Seungkwan SHOUTING at all of the staff in the abandoned school
Seungkwan bowing 90 degrees to the camera for ruining (?) the bomdong

I forgot how funny this was
svt cooking food for the 80-person production team 😭
junhoon sharing the last instant coffee 😭😭😭😭😭 (after woozi removes his two sweaters without breaking eye contact with camera A1)
L...Leader line.........
(putting this thread on rest)
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