This will be on now.
High powered multidisciplinary panel here. Will be interesting to hear PPE update from these experts.
Ray Raper acknowledges the uncertainty around this, that data is emerging. Please be respectful! Nick Coatsworth will begin. Yes I can hear you on the red microphone!
Coatsworth: we're all clinicians here. 4 weeks ago was asked to assist the DoH with covid19 response as a full time clinician (not traditionally the role of the commonwealth).
Dual strategy for DoH. 1 = containment. Recognition that no health resource is infinite (ED, ICU, PPE etc). 2. Increase in ICU capability largely delivered by ANZICS survey in MJA published last week - could perhaps push to 300% stretch (7500 ICU ventilated beds in Au).
Note that Victoria had looked to procure 5000 ventilators numbers were based on same modelling (but scenario had no social distancing etc).
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