1/ I came across this unadulterated cringe: A nice white lady recommending on MLK Day that we follow some "seriously badass scholars of color," in particular @black_epi, an epidemiologist whose timeline reads like a bulletin board in the sociology dept at Chico State. https://twitter.com/EpiEllie/status/1219360231412641793
2/ This guy's time line is a funhouse mirror world where said badass scholars of color believe that “racism is the risk factor” for COVID-19 and that in our current crisis “a Pandemic is not more important than racism.”

Because nothing is ever more important than racism.
3/ As @black_epi himself has tweeted: “During this global pandemic... we will use our platform to push for a racial equity lens... it’s important that we Speak Truth To Power.”
4/ Which brings me to this thread featuring a variety of SocJus robots — apparently most of them epidemiologists — seemingly more interested in directing their finely-calibrated woke antennae toward threats to “equity” than toward human health. https://twitter.com/RokoMijicUK/status/1246509433145917443
You can follow @a_centrism.
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