Sometimes we waste too much of our time and energy crying for already broken relationships which ain't taking us anywhere and didn't add any value to us but only gave us pain. We lock ourselves on them and we overlook other open chances of people who might be our true soul mates.
We hold onto empty promises made to us and do all sorts of sacrifices for those relationships to work out but in vain. We become worked out and we end up being called failures and dimwits because of the too much love we hold for those people that blinds us!
But for how long are we supposed to be going through such pain all the time? Sometimes we need to be brave enough, we open our eyes, we observe the signs and let go no matter how hard or painful it may be.
We shouldn't bang doors that God is trying to close behind us. And we shouldn't get so crazy and even forget how valuable and precious we are because of some people or relationships. We should love with our hearts but also use our brains.
You can follow @LuoQueen254.
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