I'd respect breadtube a lot more if they just admitted that their videos were mostly for entertainment purposes with maybe some informational content, but they literally think it's a boon to leftism.
They especially think that entertaining an audience is a great way to build the left. It's not though. If someone adopts leftist politics just because their favorite entertainer us a leftist, you didn't actually change their mind.
They just simply adopted your opinions because they are dazzled by you. All it takes for them to go the other way is for someone on the right to entertain them more. That's it. This is the difference between education and infotainment.
Sure, being an entertainer can positively influence people and push them in the right direction, but to rely on it so much is dangerous.
As an aspiring content creator myself, I can't imagine thinking of my content as praxis, despite the fact that my personal political beliefs are apparent in it.

Breadtube has gotten a big head.
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