honestly.... I hated college lmao
let me rephrase... I hate the college I went to 🥴
I made like 1 friend lmao (ok 3) but still... it was such an emotional strain for me. I was not in a good mental place AT ALLLLLLLLLLLL
I tried to immerse myself into the Hispanic community because I felt like that’s what I was lacking (the business school was predominantly white and well... I went to a really diverse high school) it was hard to adjust to the sudden change
But anyways yeah... I tried to join a Hispanic club but.... it really wasn’t my crowd lmao
and the hardest part was finding the energy to do my work so I could pass all my classes and get the hell outta there lol THE HARDEST PART YALL
In less than a year I lost over 20 pounds. y’all thought I was working out 💀 I WAS DEAD DEPRESSED YALL lol
I’m also super mad no one told me I had gained hella weight after high school but I’ll save that for another thread lmao ANYWAYS
idk where I was going with this thread but SHOUT OUTT TO EVERYONE GETTING SHIT DONE WHILE THEYRE DEALING WITH A MENTAL ILLNESS. That’s honestly my greatest accomplishment to this day. And it should be yours too
can we just talk about how unhealthy the college environment is?? like... the amount of workload they throw on us is SO unnecessary. things started going south when the system cared more about you passing than you actually LEARNING.
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