Please read this thread.
1. If you're using twitter or any social media platform for fame AND to pull others down, DEACTIVATE your account and never use twitter or facebook or any social media platforms again. We are SUPPOSED to connect with each other. Social media is ANOTHER way of spreading love ++
that will make our world a better place.

2. Comparing two people or groups by making the other group or person more superior than the other.... its really stupid. Every one is unique and different from each other. There's no need to compare and make some one more superior++
than the other since the artists just want to pursue their dreams and make their fans happy. If you're not happy with their work, then dont listen to them. No need to bash them. You're making yourself look worse.

3. Spread love and happiness. Spread facts, not fake news.++
I hope that this thread will be a lesson for everyone. To those who bring others down, you're not needed here. Spread love, not hate. To those who keep on bashing artists, reach their fame first. Then when you're higher than them, bring them up, not down. Loving is easy.
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