when/if we’re finally safe i’m definitely making a thread about this place, with pictures and shit

there’s a reason i never post pics from here and it’s because this place is falling apart and absolutely disgusting, like you’d expect a condemned building to be

broken glass and needles everywhere on the ground outside, mold and rot inside, no useable sinks (we use the shower), one toilet (about 10+ ppl here at any given time), doors left wide open to the outside, seeing people i don’t recognize every time i leave my room
scummy fucking fake-landlord of a roommate, who is constantly screaming, stomping, starting physical fights, throwing glass around and breaking it, posting passive-aggressive notes and playing victim in group chat.

i just have a lot to say about this place, the slummiest slum
not that she’s the only culprit, everyone is sketch as fuck and almost assuredly fucked up on something

we try our best to navigate around it but it’s SO MUCH, it’s a fucking nightmare for real
end thread, sorry, just constantly upset and terrified of this place

hoping we can get out of here safely without our stuff stolen or one of us in the hospital
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