Will require a significant time, effort, & willpower from my side to explain- and an equivalent amount of subtlety, dedication, & imagination from any prospective readers to understand.

Which can't be expected from OP or the folk in his comments. So not worth it. https://twitter.com/doubtinggaurav/status/1246797175503241216
Comments prove my point.

At some stage, there's no point investing any energy into these matters. At present, all H Twitter has barely 5-6 handles capable of appreciating & understanding such things. Only 3 of them seem to be full time invested in history.

I'll might see later.
Historically breakdown has been provided by my fran here. Reasons are manifold. I'll just explain one facet since the Master Theory will get me mass reported.

This was sparked by Teasri's post. https://twitter.com/Hastivarman/status/1247082655981522945?s=19
Now basically highly militarized societies don't necessarily perform better than civilian ones. Why? Because war is 10% battle, 90% logistics.

Where is resource advantage?

Here- what is the most important resource for societies? Which class of humans do the gods love most?
Take random gril.

45 hours for clothing, 50 hours for foodwork, 15 hours for housework, 15 hours for husband. Already 125 hour week. Tired gril.

Say husband brings 2-3 slaves.

Gril excess energy can go to having kids. Say 2+ kids live to adulthood extra each family.
But what happens to slevs? They die.

Amrikan, Firang never got concept, bred slevs. No. Resource intensive, why not just free them for more productivity then?

Logic among Peacefuls was you take slevs & make them work till they die, repeat. More efficient that way.
Militarization among such societies was dependant & entirely based on the creation of a vast slave class that had to periodically annihilated repeatedly.

But which Spenglerian stage does this remind you of?

You had stupid, dysgenic culture with no staying power.
Usually nomads couldn't get far with their Empires for this reason, among others. They had to change culture or restrict warfare.

Peace changed this since it is parasitical memeplrx that lives by jumping from host to host. Note that they don't actually create anything. At all.
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