Would you rather.
(We'll start easy)

Ladies: You rather apologize when you wrong or lose your makeup?

Fellas: You rather year no haircut or year no sports?
Ladies: You rather pay for your own dates or be cheated on?

Fellas: You rather wife with smelly box or every shoe you'll ever have be fucked up?
Ladies: You rather free ball during shark week or no toothbrush for a month?

Fellas: You rather wear USPA during Spring Break in Miami or playlist with only Jhene albums?
Ladies: You rather admit a woman is more of a woman than you or wear pigtails for life?

Fellas: You rather admit you a bitch or have your girl try to save you from a fight and y'all both lose?
Ladies: You rather smoke cigarettes or lose your husband to your best friend?

Fellas: You rather show your search history to your boss or not be able to get hard when finally bouta hit your crush?
Ladies: You rather lose LHH, Grey's,Netflix (entertainment period?) or date a man that never wash his ass?

Fellas: You rather lose porn, but you team a championship or keep porn, but you team never wins a ring?
Ladies: You rather give up playing with your pussy or give up bomb sex (but you can only have sex 2x a week)

Fellas: You rather be young Chop bodyguard or R Kelly's conscious?
Ladies: You rather wear the Chinese slippers with every outfit or have Safaree dance behind you every where you go?

Fellas: You rather fight Tyson for 10 rounds, you you get $10 mil or lose your balls for $100mil
Ladies: You rather never have sex or masturbate again or you have to get permission from a man to speak?

Fellas: You rather only get sex for 1 min forever or never listen to all the music in you phone/laptop etc and future music again?
Ladies: You rather live off you man or future man (or woman) mixtape profits as a source of income or never hear music you can dance/relax to again?

Fellas: You rather get head with teeth forever or have no phone+laptop+TV?
Ladies: You rather have a man that's a hoe but will protect you or a man that's loyal but a bitch?

Fellas; You rather wife a hoe who's good to you or be with a loyal woman who ain't worth shit?

You rather end quarantine now but you all get corona or stay on quarantine until 2030
Ladies only: You rather send me a nude or get this pic everytime you ask for a nude?

*if you pic the 1st one you gotta send me a nude😈
Fellas only: Fuck y'all niggas I'm trynna see if those ladies gonna send me the nudes💀😭😭😭
Ain't get nude yet...fuck them threads man lol💀
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