In this thread I will highhandedly demonstrate why Marxism is a failed ideology
Let's start with the famous quote "Religion is the opium of the masses" by none other than Marx himself
It's true. The masses (sidenote: why does Marx seem to hate the masses so much? could it be that he feels superior?). We as people crave comfort & warmth. Anyone who's experienced an opiate high knows this feeling all too well
"Jesus was a socialist" cries the eternal Marxist, and it is in this statement that he reveals his ignorance
For a brief study of history reveals that upon gaining power & privilege, every devout marxist succumbs to the temptations of the material world
Jesus, however, even when tempted with limitless power, resigned himself to the status of a humble tradesman. An everyman. Everyone & no one.
So jesus was not a socialist. Rather, socialists attempt to mimick what Christ was able to do on Earth. Yet they fail. Every single time.
So why do they hate religion? Why do they actively slaughter Christians? I think many of us know why, and I won't mention it here.
A movement devoid of spirit and comprised solely of the desire for the wealth of others is destined to fail. And it fails every single time. I don't hate marxists. I pity them, for they shall never know the glory of God's kingdom. /thread.
(PS: i actively invite constructive debate and criticism)
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