What your favorite song by The Neighbourhood says about you.
Yellow Box: You love their old stuff.
Dust: You're super chill.
Kill Us All: You have superior taste.
24/7: You're on your phone all the time.
Scary Love: Hopeless romantic.
Softcore: You have great taste, & pls be my friend. :)
Void: Your music taste is immaculate.
Roll Call: You're probably quiet or super loud.
Livin' In A Dream: you hate the high pitched parts of the song.
You get me so high: You're a stoner.
Reflections: You're shy.
Blue: you either like the color blue or you're sad all the time.
Paradise: You're chill.
Beat Take 1: You probably make your own music, or want to.
Stuck With Me: You're very calm in most situations.
Flowers: You're pretty.
Compass: You're super nice & pretty.
Noise: You're loud.
Heaven: You either believe in god, or don't at all.
Nervous: You're super nice & probably shy.
Sadderdaze: You love the weekends
Beautiful Oblivion: You're good at making people smile.
Leaving Tonight: YOU ALREADY KNOW THIS SONG HITS DIFFERENT AT NIGHT. You're probably a night owl, & you probably space out all the time.
Wires: You know this song word for word, want the president dead and like the color black.
Baby Came Home: You probably miss someone that used to be close to you.
A little death: You're very attractive and probably gay.
Middle of somewhere: You probably have "Landed In The Middle Of Somewhere" or anything along the lines of that in your bio or used it as a caption.
West Coast: You are either from The West Coast or want to visit.
$TING: You probably do winged eyeliner super good.
No Grey: You probably put all your ig pictures in black & white for the aesthetic.
Float: You probably don't know how to swim, are a pro at it or hate the ocean.
Staying up: You never sleep.
Female Robbery: You probably always sing the beginning wrong and say "Hell" instead of "Help"
Flawless: You're probably self conscious or over confident.
W.D.Y.W.F.M: You probably never understood the acronym in the title and probably still dont.
Alleyways: you're an OG.
Let It Go: You either love it or hate the title because it's the same as the one ice Disney movie song.
Sweater Weather: You're either a local, or a long time fan who's tired of hearing that if you listen to this song it automatically makes you bi.
Everybody's Watching me (Uh Oh); You're paranoid all the fucking time.
Afraid: You're scared of literally everything.
How: You hate how long the intro is before Jesse starts to sing but get really into it.
Prey: you're probably short or you love playing the guitar.
Cry Baby: You're emotional all the time.
Wiped Out!: You have superior taste and the outro is your favorite part.
The Beach: You always go to the beach or you probably hate sand.
Daddy Issues: You probably have daddy issues, or don't at all.
Baby Came Home 2/ Valentines: You either dont understand what Jesse is singing in the outro or you know it word for word.
Greetings from Califournia: You probably spell California with a U because of the title. (Really called myself out on this one.)
Ferrari: The intro & outro gets you all the time, you have superior taste and are probably super nice.
Single: You love Devon & Jesse's relationship and probably have a crush on Dev.
R.I.P 2 My Youth: You either don't want to grow up or are an adult already and is getting your life together or at least trying.
*NSTYNCT: You probably smoke weed and are high almost all the time.
Jealou$y: You love the eerie sound in the background and you're probably super attractive.
1 of those weaks: You love Jesse's "snake" innuendos in the song and you're probably super funny.
Dangerous: You probably don't give a fuck about rules and is probably a bad bitch 😎
YG Call: You know this shit word for word and recite it as it plays. (Called myself out again.)
When I Get Back: You're a fatass stoner and are high 25/8
To: You're always in deep thought.
Rain: You always hum to this song and are always laid back.
#icanteven: You cannot stand cheaters and either deeply relate to this song or get into it and is happy Jesse is in a healthy relationship and not a toxic one.
U&I: You sometimes feel you're not good enough for a relationship or have questioned why you're in such a healthy relationship.
Givin & Takin: You probably hated this song at first but came to love it.
Unfair: You probably were spoiled as a kid or not at all.
Silver: This song makes you feel some type of way everytime you listen to it.
T$RL: You have probably over analyzed the lyrics and are still confused about them.
The End. Thank you for tuning in.
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