1/4 XRP Class 101: XRP will not be used in day to day consumer transactions such as buying bread. It is a coin developed for back end settlement of multi national currencies. It's basically venmo for international settlement of assets/securities/commodities. IoV.
2/4 a GRC is more likely the path than 7B XRP wallets. Think CBDC as your day to day transaction dollars and when you want to go from CBDC to gold, stocks, digital assets, or real estate ownership. You will go along the XRPL and the ILP highways to connect via XRP bridge asset.
3/4 What does that do for price eventually? Wellll how many "things" exist in the world that might want to use a rail like that. It's essentially "Https coin". Some may hold it for long periods, some short, some market makers, some may use it as reserves to issue collateral
4/4 for additional ownership type coins using XRP as the collateral. This is all possible due to XRP's inherit nature of cheap txn costs. You cannot have micropayment mechanisms without something like this. You cannot have an IoV without a bridge across borders and assets.
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