Ok so this will be my last tweet on the topic, but I wanted to get a more solid defense of my position out there.

The qrted tweet applies for incest too. Is it wrong bc (1) other people say so too (2) it’s against the law (3) it’s morally reprehensible (4) it squicks you out. https://twitter.com/asideoftrashpl1/status/1235497874240069632
This IS a controversial topic, and I think everyone is entitled to their own opinions without having to defend it. But I also hope that even if you don’t speak about it, you would privately try to pick up ^ which of those four reasons apply to you.
Anyways, in the qrted thread I argued that moral reprehensibility should be the only reason why something is considered truly “wrong”. But I think it’s important to distinguish between two types of moral reprehensibility:

(1) Harm principle

(2) Kant universalizability principle
(1): one’s rights do not extend to infringing on someone else’s rights/harming them. Killing is wrong bc it infringes on bodily autonomy and causes harm.

(2): “but if EVERYONE does it, then the results would be untenable” If everyone killed, society would fall apart.
I feel with the incest there are two types of arguments:

(1) incest is wrong bc it often stems from CSA, and results in grooming unhealthy power dynamics. It’s either noncon or dubcon, which causes harm.

(2) incest is wrong bc if everyone did it, there would inbreeding problems
I feel like these are pretty instinctive bc people tend to caveat “as long as it’s consensual, healthy, and the couple doesn’t try to have kids, I think it’s okay”. I also agree with this??? But also in general, I tend to vibe more with (1) arguments than (2).
(2) arguments can also go “but if everyone does incest and no one has kids, then humanity would die out”, but that can also be flipped “if everyone was gay, then no one will have kids, etc.” or “if everyone got welfare then no one would work” (2) arguments can be used shittily.
I’m of the opinion that (2) arguments only extend as far as “but WILL everyone do it?” Even in the wild, and in progressive societies, those 100% gay are still a statistical minority. + there’s evidence to suggest that animals often have mechanisms that evolved to prevent incest.
Some animals when looking for mates are able to smell from the scent of this mate is too closely related, and will instinctively avoid. It’s believed that this is an evolutionary response to prevent inbreeding.

So will EVERYONE do incest? I highly doubt it??
Likewise, will EVERYONE stop working if we give welfare? Idk, guys. Give it another two months and tell me if you’re hopelessly bored in quarantine and want to go back to work. Also, people on welfare often feel shitty about it, and would prefer not to need welfare at all.
To conclude, I am a firm believer of fiction =/= reality in the first place? But I’m annoyed by how antis like to throw out SO YOU SUPPORT INCEST? like some kind of trump card OHOHO GOT YOU NOW when I’m like?? I don’t even think that consensual and healthy incest is wrong yanno
So (1) Fiction =/= reality. Even if incest WERE wrong, it’s just fanfic? No one was harmed? And incest fic is usually niche? Fanfic doesn’t have the power to NORMALIZE anything?

(2) It’s not even incest itself that is bad, but the potential results: grooming, inbreeding, etc
Would I say “EVERYONE SHOULD DO INCEST?” Evidently not. Or would I go “I SUPPORT INCEST” and try to organize incest Pride or something? Also no?? Incest actually?? Personally squicks me out?? A lot??? But it squicks me =/= it’s wrong yanno.
But if I found out tmr that the two siblings living next to me are in a loving, consensual, and healthy relationship, I certainly wouldn’t get out the pitchforks, summon the mob, and bang their door down. If you would, then I think that the problem is you, not them.
It’s worse when NO ONE engaged in incest, but just wROTE ABOUT IT?? AND YOU’RE ALREADY GETTING OUT THE PITCHFORKS AND SUMMONING THE MOB?? Then ofc when there’s backlash “we are real people you know uwu” erm... are n/iecest shippers not people? Why don’t you apologize to them?
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