Hello. I’m back. Now I know I’ve told some maps that I stopped being an account that exposes map accounts. but this right here is some serious shit. This involves a guy know as @/Sparky_682. This is what his profile currently looks like.
If you don’t know who Sparky is, he is an 18 year old map. He has 91 current followers, and a lot of them are nomaps. (which is why I chose to make this post.)
Some important things to note is that the victim in this situation (who is going to remain anonymous) is a 13 year old. Sparky was 17 (and going to be 18 in about 2 weeks) when he did the things in the screenshots I will list.
Here is what went down. I will post the screenshots of proof as I talk more and more. Pretty much, another conversation had prompted Sparky, a 17 year old, to ask a 13 year old about his first ejaculation experience. After the 13 year old decided to just joke about it, Sparky-
decided to ask more specific questions, such as “what was your reaction when you were about to cum?” The 13 year old then expresses that he feels uncomfortable, and it stops there for now.
Then, eventually he asks another question. This question was “have you came more times than your first?” The 13 year old eventually snaps and tells him to stfu. Great job 13 year old, you prevented what could’ve been some bad shit.
The conversation eventually stops there, and it ends with Sparky apologizing, and the 13 year old forgiving him, but letting him know that he better not try pulling anything like that ever again.
You might think this is where the story ends, but wait! It goes deeper. Sadly, this part won’t really matter that much, as I never really got a complete answer to what happened in this situation, and nor did the 13 year old know what exactly happened.
Sparky had been locked out of his account, and when he found the 13 year old again, he denied answering the minors main question, “why were you banned?”
After a few days, when the minor asked again, Sparky claimed that he fell for a bait account posing as a minor, and had gotten reported, following it up with statements like “I’m never doing that fuck shit ever again”.
The minor automatically suspected that he probably erped with the account, considering sparky had said that the account seduced him.
Long story short, Sparky then later claimed that he never erped with the account, and when the minor had claimed that he had rightfully smelled bullshit, Sparky blocked him. Thank god.
I’ll release some screenshots from that conversation if people seriously want me to. But for now, since it’s late at night, I’m gonna wrap up this thread.
It’s scary to know that people like this exist in a community that constantly claims that most of the people in it are harmless. It’s also scary to know that a bunch of maps are following Sparky. Hopefully this thread can open your eyes if you are one of Sparky’s followers.
Regardless of if you’re a map or anti, please retweet this, and let others know that people like Sparky are on this platform, acting like they are so harmless, when in fact, they could do some pretty dangerous things. Goodbye.
You can follow @AntiZooShinobi.
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