Let me start by saying I have sensitive & dry skin & I also have eczema.
Always scared to try anything new especially on my face. But I have hyperpigmentation around my mouth and it’s SO annoying I’ve had it for YEARS. I’ve tried so many dark spot correctors
I’ve finally found a dark spot corrector that doesn’t irritate me & actually works. It’s called the Triple-Action Dark Spot Eraser 7% AHA Lotion by Paula’s choice. I saw results within A WEEK. I wanted to cry I’ve been trying to
Get rid of this for YEARSSSS. It’s not all the way gone yet but it has faded to where it’s not as noticeable anymore! My skin tone is starting to even out bc it’s blending in with the rest of my face
If anyone does decide to try this PLEASE apply sunscreen after if you use it during the day like I did. I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH it will not WORK If you don’t wear sunscreen it will actually make it worse!
definitely use this as a spot treatment and don’t go rubbing it all over your face like a lotion lol it will lighten skin you don’t want to be lighter. I used a Q-tip to apply. It helped but even then sometimes I went over the area and noticed it lightened other parts
It also smoothed the area out like it doesn’t feel rough, it feels like skin again? If that makes sense lol. I used this everyday for a week and I saw results obviously it’s different for everyone that was just my experience. And I still use it today months later.
Sooo yeah end of this thread lol I hope I helped someone. Because I wish I had discovered it sooner.
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