whether or not the Trinity is "true", I wonder it's possible for the human mind to even hold a symbol that is fully human and fully divine? it seems that Jesus is either god or man in my mind, never both at once.
when jesus is god, he seems a lot less miraculous to me. if he loved his enemies, big deal! he's god. he can do anything. it's easy for him.

and when jesus is god, he needs to be held accountable for his atrocities, which are many.
when jesus is man, i can follow him. i can follow him in recognizing the immanence of god in all things. i can follow him in forming communities of love to manifest the divine. i can follow him in declaring myself to be one with the all things, from the very beginning.
the concept of the trinity was invented to make the pieces fit for monotheistic communities of faith that had taken up worshiping the man jesus. it was a story that made sense of their experience. it makes no sense of mine.
when i experience the god, it is not a man with a beard -- not in the sky, not on the streets of Jerusalem. it is, if anything, a whisper of mystery from beyond the void, a vapor that disappears as soon as a see it.
jesus dares to believe that his own words are divine, and dares me to follow him in doing the same.
i don't follow jesus on the wide path of prescribed orthodoxy, no. i follow him beyond the pages of the holy text, beyond the borders of othodoxy, beyond god himself, straight into the fucking void. no turning back.
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