This week I heard my 7 yo daughter yell at God about how unfair it was that school was cancelled and she doesn't get to see her friends. She's asked the questions why doesn't God make this virus stop and why is God letting people die.
My husband and I spent the week explaining that the concepts of sovereignty, faith, and hope to our child. When I heard her yell, I thought it was the healthiest thing she could do.
These questions are critical to having a genuine faith. We've explained that God is not a magic genie and that he is not intimidated by our questions, railings, or tears. I suspect we will have more questions and more tears.
But just as I was feeling overwhelmed she asked me to read her the children's bible version of Job. She's been reading it nightly while after we've gone to bed. Who could imagine that one of my daughter's bible heroes is a guy who wrestles with grief and loss.
After rereading the book with her, I realized that I needed to spend some time truly grieving the losses of this season and wrestling with & resting with God. I'm going to spend a little more time in the poetry and wisdom section of scripture this week. Time to get emotional.
Like a lot of scholars I love being in my head, but this season requires sitting in my feelings. A posture that makes me rather uncomfortable. But I think it might make me a better person. Perhaps, a better follower of Jesus.
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