4. When the person committed suicide, hell is the only place where he/she can be thrown out. Suicidal is a mortal sin.
5. Never look at your reflection for too long in a giant mirror. There's a possibility that your reflection will act differently.
6. The 44 Days of Hell is a true story happened in Japan in 1988 where a 17 years old Japanese girl named Furuta Junko was tortured by 4 boys, some say they inserted a light bulb inside her private part.
7. If you wake up about 2 to 3 AM without any reasons why, there is a possibility that someone is watching you for a long time.
8. Due to a discovery of many brain parasites, scientists now think a Zombie Apocalypse is possible.
9. Not all ghosts are there to scare you. Most spirits which are not trapped are here to stay in the earthly realm and would not harm you. The ghosts of kids below 1 year are considered angels.
10. There's a restaurant in China that sells human flesh and it is legal, because of their rapid growing population.
11. Peter Pan was an angel that held kid's hand when on their way to heaven (Neverland). That's why they never grew up. All those kids were dead.
12. During Pope Gregory IX’s term, he declared that cats were associated with devil worship, resulting in their mass extermination.
13. A janitor just died because of watching 'suicide mouse'. He jumped on the highest floor of the building.
14. If you cut your hair on Friday the 13th, someone on your family will die, according to superstition.
15. While filming the movie ‘The Exorcist’, many actors got injured, the set burned down, a Priest was brought in several times to bless the set, and the actor who played Burke, Jack MacGowran, died of Influenza.
16. It is believed that ghosts do not stay at their remains or cemetery but prefer to be inside the church.
17. More than 7000 people die annually due to the doctor's bad handwriting.
18. When you look up at the blue sky and see white dots flying around, you’re actually seeing your own white blood cells.
19. After the first day of filming The Conjuring, Vera Farmiga found three unexplained claw marks on her skin.
20. Your crush will never crush you back.
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