I succumbed to lockdown pressure and attempted an influencers home-work our today. I haven’t worked out regularly in nearly a year. Things I learned:

1. These people are monsters
2. My partner turns into a monster when he is ‘helping’
3. I am in terrible shape
Update: I am hobbling around today because my thighs are in agony. Been told to do a 15-min walk on the treadmill to stretch it so I can try this home-torture-I-mean-workout again tomorrow morning. I thought I didn't pray but turns out I do
I made it 10mins on the treadmill. This is so much harder than I thought it would be!! Will do the ‘sets’ from the influencer/monster again tomorrow. In the spirit of full disclosure - their workout had 8 sets of 8 exercises, I did 3 sets of 7. And still nearly passed out.
Day 3: (this is how I am going to stay motivated before I fall off the wagon). The influ-monster workout was attempted again - did 3 sets (8 like a foolish pipe dream RN) but added the extra excersise (rep? Dunno what it’s called) so small step forward. Going to pass out now.
Day 4: Thighs are still on fire but less so? Or maybe the pain has numbed me I don't know. Treadmill day today and victory I made it 15 mins. Apparently my plan is influ-monster workout one day, treadmill the next.

I also ate an eclair for breakfast because you know - balance.
Day 5: 3 sets of the influ-monster’s workout and I’m still alive. Aching and groaning but still alive. Typing this and eating pineapple for breakfast.

I can basically start my own fitness/wellness channel now.

GIF is an actual representation of me ATM 💁🏽‍♀️
Day 6: today was treadmill day & 15 mins at increased speed without dying!

By increased I mean by like .3 but it still counts so bite me.

Glugging a gallon of water now
Day 7: Apparently if you take a day off and call it ‘Rest Day’ it’s perfectly acceptable. Pro tip - don’t tell people (and by people I mean your partner who has decided he is your coach) that the reality is you stayed up til 2am playing Sims and now zero energy
Day 8: felt so nice after the rest day that I added an extra set. Yes, I did FOUR sets of the influ-monsters workout in the presence of the self-appointed coach who now goes ‘so you can continue that no?’. NO I CANT PLEASE DONT MAKE ME.

Spoiler - he is going to make me.
Who knew that just one extra set would leave me feeling more jelly like than ever?

Me. I knew. I was just a damn panditha fool.

Accurate representation of me walking down the stairs now
Day 9: 20mins on the treadmill today.

It’s nothing but sheer pig-headed stubbornness to see this through that’s keeping me going.

And my teachers said that wouldn’t get me anywhere. Who is laughing now?? (Probably still them)
Day 10: Setback today. Made a bunch of excuses to myself from morning (didn’t sleep well/headache/need to finish some work/it’s too hot) and bailed on the workout.

This happens. Going to retry tomorrow and in the meantime try to avoid the chocolate.

Lies. Already ate some
Day 11: again woke up later than usual, struggled with lethargy.

Compromised & even through it was influ-monster day, did the treadmill. Something is better than nothing.

The universe heard my heroism and sent a choon paan truck down the road. MALLU PAAN FOR BREAKFAST WHAT UP
Day 12: skipped today also. It’s a real struggle to sum up the energy - today was also a bad day mental health wise. Yes these are all excuses and I am not all happy with myself. Girding my lions to try again tomorrow. This tweeting is helping me stay accountable for real tho
Day 13: I’m not sure how (no really) because I was so lethargic and grouchy but managed to coax myself on the treadmill & clocked 20mins. It’s something, I’m proud of myself and IDGAF how small it may seem. Yay me!
Day 14: Clocked in another 20mins on the treadmill today!! (Cue crowds cheering loudly).

The trick for me seems to be getting this done as early as possible. The longer I wait, the lazier I am. Groundbreaking I know.

Special shout out to humidity 😒
Day 15: Soooooo. Fell of the wagon today also.

There is a God of Workouts somewhere judging me.
Day 16: The guilt and shame of having to update this thread with another failed day convinced me to make the morning workout happen.

20mins on the treadmill

There is a case study in here somewhere about the psychology of public accountability
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