@ReasonedAnswers you asked me for favourite wackiest from Muhammad well here you go

Say gibberish before having sex with you wife to have a child, so satan doesn't approach your child which BTW will make your wife dry like a desert!
Yawning is evil and satan laugh when you yawning nevermind the fact you might be tired!

Either lick your own finger or have someone else lick it for you when finished eating

A woman come in shape of a devil to tempt to having
Sex so go to your wife

A woman disrupt your prayers

There are no infectious disease, so according to the Prophet (may allah prayers be upon him) the conoravirus is a lie and a deception
There are alot more reports on infectious or contagious diseases not being a thing

Dip the fly into your drink or food because one wing carry the disease and other has the cure
Here @ReasonedAnswers are my 7 favourites wackiest statements of the Prophet (may allah prayers be upon him) tell me your thought on the comment section of this thread post! Peace and love!!
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