On naked and afraid they addressed the “naked” aspect and the girl was like “I’m fine in my body and will do what it takes to get the job done” The guy said “I hope I’m attracted to my partner bc I wouldn’t want to look at an unattractive woman for 21 days!”
Women >> men.
When asked first impression of their partner:
Girl: no huge red flags but seems to treat survival like a party trick he’s trying to impress me with.

Guy: sHes A VeRY aTtRaCtIve WoMaN.
The girl is kicking ass and he’s just whining. They were disagreeing around something and he was lol “this must be what it’s like to be married” in a very deprecating tone. I hate him.
She got a few sea urchins to eat and he was all “that’s not food! I’m not eating that. That is disgusting and not realistic.” So she ate it and then complained about being hungry.
They got in a fight and then he later brought her a coconut. He was sure to tell the camera “the coconut was not an apology. I am just doing what needs to be done for the team.”

Then he moped around and she caught lobsters for them to eat.
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