The “far-right” Dutch leader, Geert Wilders shows his true loyalty in this thread. Jewish blood runs in his veins thanks to this grandmother. He married a Jew, so technically his children will be Jewish. He spent a lot of time in Israel in his younger days. (1/7 )
This clip shows Geert Wilders setting the frame and narrative that Israel is the cradle of the western civilization as it is the birthplace of the Judeo-Christian civilization. (2/7)
Here Geert Wilders pushing the narrative that the middle east conflict is not about land, but is a conflict between freedom and Islam, a conflict between good and evil. (3/7 )
“Israel is the canary in the coal mine….and a beacon of light in the area of darkness and tyranny…the whole world should be in support of Israel….Israel is fighting our fight.” – Geert Wilders (4/7 )
No one schills harder for Israel than this man with his well-practiced phrase, “Israel is fighting for the west… so parents in America and Europe can sleep easily at night…If Jerusalem falls, then Athens will fall, Amsterdam will fall, and America will fall.” (5/7 )
Geert Wilders is the perfect illustration how leaders are groomed to become figures of political and social influence in the West. Much of his early life was in Israel. He even spent a lot of time in the Israeli embassy at the Hague that people suspected that he was a spy. (6/7 )
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