ED chair New York Presbyterian - Cornell is working 0 clinical hours in April, while not allowing older attendings to work less clinically. Chair at Columbia working 16 hours total in April. Several vice chairs at Columbia working 0 hours in clinical areas.
All while older attendings with co-morbidities are at full schedule. All these chairs and vice chairs are on TV, Twitter incessantly talking about the front lines while it actually turns out they haven't treated a single patient.
They even went as far as to give an SAEM virtual grand rounds on leadership during crisis on 4/4. ED leadership is running from the fight and not providing any real leadership while they tout their front line experience on TV. Absolutely disgraceful.
If we're calling for docs from other states to come help, how about we get our actual leaders to see patients?
The prime minister of Ireland works more clinical shifts than these guys combined
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