CW; Child abuse, Revictimisation, Silencing victims

So as many of you know I am open about the fact that I am a victim of both childhood domestic abuse and rape and the impact this has had on my life. A large part of why I share that experience is as a challenge to the way 1/13
that unethical parties will attempt to use it as a means to undermine you. Your motives. Your sanity. Your identity. When I started on YouTube it was all the rage for Christians to argue that the only reason LGBT+ people and atheists exist is because of childhood abuse 2/13
which excluded many LGBT+ folk and atheists from the conversation since if they spoke up about their past they worried they’d be breathing credibility into such a horrific lie. I wanted to stand up and go ‘no. We exist and we have the right to be counted’.

But recently 3/13
another individual has attempted to use my open activism as a means to smear me. This time trying to pass the idea that the only reason I criticise their transphobia is because I was abused as a child and that inherently makes me an abuser. Nowhere else do they show any 4/13
abusive behaviour on my part. Merely a lack of desire to trust and work with a dehumanising transphobe like him. Which is pretty reasonable.

Their sole argument in ‘proving’ I’m abusive is attempting to weaponise my history of self-advocacy as a weapon to silence me. 5/13
Stripping me of my bodily autonomy and revictimising me. All as a means to either discredit or silence my criticism.

I have gone ahead and included some of the relevant clips in this thread with timestamps for those who wish to check full context and ensure there’s no foul 6/13
play on my part. I did remove a mid-section where they harped on about the fact that I didn’t trust a marked transphobe to help out with a trans charity stream because I think their actions here show I was completely justified in that.

This is what Breadtube is. Putting 7/13
on a show and then resorting to strengthening systemic violence any time it’s convenient.

Piggy does eventually abandon his argument (sort of, he can’t let go of ‘at least in part) when even his audience who he is trying to goad into partaking in this abusive behaviour 8/13
(note how I can actually show abuse in his actions, not merely proclaim it on the basis of his past) fails to reciprocate. Rather than focus on my actions and how my evidenced criticism of him counts as abuse, Piggy has to set out to try and strip me of my power.

Well 9/13
I’m not sorry to inform his sack of shittiness, it did not work. As noted I’m very used to this argument from other sections of the far right. Seeing the same from a pretend leftist doesn’t even crack a dent. However I’ve seen some people claiming it’s just Piggy’s fans 10/13
that are ableist, failing to acknolwedge that Piggy attempts to actively cultivate ableism in his audience and that sometimes it’s too horrific even for them.

However I would like to note something for the safety of some of my viewers. One of the people hanging around, 11/13
seemingly not taking much of an issue with Piggy’s actions targeting me was @lux_banana . And when I went to ask them about it, well turns out they’d blocked me following the stream. It’s sad to see that all it takes is a single callout from a large Breadtuber to turn 12/13
some people into a lapdog, content with this sort of behavior.

So let me be very clear. This isn't just his audience. It's Pigpuncher / XanderhalTv / Xanderhal . And it's not an accident. He is actively attempting to cultivate this behaviour.

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