For the last few decades, the political & corporate establishment in this country presided over the gutting of our manufacturing sector and the wholesale outsourcing of significant parts of our economy & large # of jobs. The little that remained was sold off to foreign ownership.
Now we face a pandemic dependent on other countries to provide essential supplies. My grandpa earned his living as a blue collar worker & I vividly remember his words that a country that doesn’t make anything is asking for trouble.
His common sense was light years ahead of the “experts” who self-interestedly preached the benefits that would supposedly be shared. The profits were certainly shared by those designed & executed it. For the rest of the us who do the work, it was a party we weren’t invited to.
Now we seek re-tool and proud Canadian businesses and workers step up to get the job done. They never lost interest to begin with. Their work was never shoddy, their effort never lazy, their biz never not profitable. They were always ready to get the job done.
Their work went away because the gang that never did the work decided an extra buck could be made by shipping it somewhere else. My grandpa had it right. I’ll do whatever I can to make this a new beginning. Are you with me?
You can follow @BradWestPoCo.
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