The take that space mining is “colonialism” is super racist and I’m disgusted by all the people I thought were friends not only erasing but weaponizing marginalized groups for their backwards ideology
Imperialism and colonialism both by definition need someone else to be there being harmed. Calling space mining either of those things is out right racist and erasing the actual victims of such horrible things
Primitivism is inherently a reactionary, ableist, and transphobic ideology with no basis in reality on how to create a sustainable society
There is no way to adequately address the needs of disabled and trans people without technology and advanced productive means, and no way to address their needs at all in a primitive society
Primitivism is a disgusting, dangerous, and genocidal ideology that would require 6 billion people at least just dying off for “the greater good”
The only people who could ever take it serious either too ignorant to think it through, or are just misanthropic and dangerous to society and shouldn’t be taken seriously at all
I’ve just seen person after person promoting it ignoring or outright denying reality to try to justify this sick ideology. Just wtf y’all, especially when it’s blatantly obvious they have no clue what they’re talking about
No, I don’t care about building some grand space civilization. But I’m also not misanthropic enough to say we should keep hurting ACTUAL LIVING PEOPLE on Earth by continuing to mine the Earth, when an alternative exists
Rocks, in space or otherwise, aren’t sapient, they aren’t alive, they don’t experience or suffer. I extend no moral consideration to non-sentient things which can’t even suffer. Space mining can alleviate so many problems on Earth, so that’s the ethical thing to do
Primitivism and this discourse are just the absolute worst things. And it’s more than clear that the people against space mining are engaging in deeply harmful arguments and positions, which they can’t & coherently argue for why their case is valid other than racist appeals
And just a final thought, I find it endlessly hilarious how many “egosists” and “individualists” have suddenly start trying to impose their opinions on others because of this discourse, showing off how most of them are just run of the mill entitled hypocrites

We all want sustainability, that's why I want to mine a single asteroid

Those things have enough minerals to cease the need for mining for most things on the planet for thousands of years

Space mining IS the sustainable option

There are literally billions in our system alone
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