exposing @DAlSYMINS / @SAYW6W : a thread
This will be stuff she has said in the kiddies cult plus on the tl. Some of these will feature other kiddies members. Remember Cherri wanted this thread to happen. These are probably out of order-
Getting high from coffee ft T
Not really exposing Cherri but is something she said 🤷‍♀️
Breathe who? I only know BREthe
Hnag ft T
B U G part 1
Cherri the shapeshifter ft myself and Flo
Idk how these are connected but they are connected
🧅 part 1
Bug part 2
The variations of Shut up part 1
More exposing myself than Cherri but we will roll with this-
Cherri is a furry confirmed part 1?
Tiddie sauce
Idk if this is a good question or not-
Cherri = Crackhead baby babie
Stan Skz
Bug brain part 2 😌
Cherri is a cockroach 🤢
Cherri struggling with spelling as usual
Context: I threatened to leave. I do that a lot and actually do it sometimes. By leave, I mean not opening the gc and staring at them calling my name
Cherri rat lover
N knee gaes
I screenshoted that as I usually do when someone tells me not to screenshot something
Onion part 2
Basketball assaulting Cherri’s tiddie 😔
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