In relationships, the lack of communication leaves room for interpretation and painful uncertainty. Even the most confident person will find themselves filling the silence with the ugliest scenarios they can think of. Even then, the silence feels crueler. Communication matters.
It's happened to you. Frantically searching for an explanation. Deciding that the worst possible explanation was the correct one. Then trying to coerce yourself into accepting it. "Anything is better than the cruel and taunting silence." I know that you've felt that panic.
You can feel yourself crumbling. Unraveling. It makes you feel so weak and small. And desperate for the ache to subside. Desperate for the relief of a response. Anything is better than the silence and the way that you try to soothe yourself is something that we've all done.
I have two main points here:

1. Communication is powerful. The lack of communication is even more powerful.

2. You are not alone for feeling everything that I've described. It may feel like it..but you're not. It happens to the best of us. It means you care and you're human.
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