I guess I have to share my story: my ex husband was A+ and I was B-. In case you didn't know, mixed blood types like that can cause issues. Mostly rh-blood types carrying +blood types like I was.
My body was attacking the fetus.
I didn't want to get an abortion, I'd have loved to have had a baby with him at that time, but my body wasn't keeping the baby, my body wasn't accepting that I wanted a baby. My body wasnt accepting of something of another blood type (rh- women have a hard time carrying)
Do you know what it's like to want a baby but your body rejects it? Your body won't accept fluids or nutrients? You go in for an ultrasound and they say that there might be complications, that you can keep taking those prenatal vitamins but it won't matter?
Do you know how fucking awful it is to not eat anything for weeks at a time? Not just morning sickness, but not being able to keep anything down even with medicine prescribed to not vomit? Even with hospital visits, there wasn't a way to keep any nutrients down?
To be crying with your husband in the hospital asking why it couldn't be healthy? Why my body couldn't accept something else in my body? Why I couldn't grow a fucking human in me like everyone else could?
To wonder why the fuck couldn't my body do this? Why couldn't i make myself not get sick? Why I couldn't stop myself from vomiting literally all the time? Zofran didn't do anything, 16/24mg didn't affect me (which is a lot) as much as I wanted a baby, my body would not cooperate.
I wanted a child with him, but going through what I did made me realize having a baby isn't just about wanting it or not, how having a child is more than physically being able to make or carry one.
I cannot stress this enough: having a baby is more than just trying or wanting one, and how women's lives matter in this more than anything.
I know first hand how awful it is to want a baby to find out you can't even carry to term.
Some women can not carry.
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