1/ @princey1976's Once BITten podcast deserves a spot on your listening queue. Great guest lineup, plus every episode is overflowing with positivity and effortless conversation. Listening may inspire you to quit your desk job and become a world-traveling Bitcoin evangelist.
2/ Daniel personifies the Bitcoin ethos as a self-sovereign free-thinker. He literally wrote a book about the digital nomadic lifestyle, world traveling, and alternative education, and he brings that unique perspective on these Bitcoin-adjacent topics to many of his interviews.
3/ Overall, I'm really impressed with where @princey1976 has taken this podcast so far, and I'm always on the lookout for new episodes (which drop pretty frequently). Do yourself a favor and subscribe.

It's hard to choose, but here are some of my favorite episodes:
With @mrcoolbp - "WTF Happened in 1971?" https://twitter.com/princey1976/status/1226300225523982336?s=20
With @dergigi - "Bitcoin Is A Harsh Mistress!" https://twitter.com/princey1976/status/1227373247857135618?s=20
With @TheCryptoconomy - "Bitcoin Is Going To Be The Elephant In The Room In Every Central Bank Meeting For The Next 10 Years!" https://twitter.com/princey1976/status/1228023050798534656?s=20
With @RaoulGMI - "If I Could Only Make One Investment In The Next Ten Years..." https://twitter.com/princey1976/status/1230109548419145728?s=20
With @edstromandrew - "Why Buy Bitcoin?" https://twitter.com/princey1976/status/1230600290526732290?s=20
With @knutsvanholm - "Sovereignty Through Mathematics And The Trigger Show!" https://twitter.com/knutsvanholm/status/1231710920285573120?s=20
With @MarkYusko - "Bitcoin, Financial Markets and .......?" https://twitter.com/princey1976/status/1235258058810552321?s=20
With @coryklippsten - "Bitcoin is the best product that has ever existed." https://twitter.com/princey1976/status/1236401487967850496?s=20
With @MartyBent - "Bitcoin - Not Having Skin In The Game Is Too Risky." https://twitter.com/princey1976/status/1237143626083381249?s=20
With @skwp - "How To Escape A Nuclear Fallout And Build A Bitcoin Company." https://twitter.com/princey1976/status/1238117080555192322?s=20
With @AleksSvetski - "Corona is a VERY CONVENIENT excuse." https://twitter.com/princey1976/status/1240772163654860803?s=20
With @johnkvallis - "Bitcoin Is A Heartbeat Of Existential Comfort." https://twitter.com/princey1976/status/1241795728244121605?s=20
With @Breedlove22 - "The Number Zero And Bitcoin." https://twitter.com/princey1976/status/1245408812556849153?s=20
With @saifedean - "Time Preference Is The most Important Aspect Of Economics That You Can Learn." https://twitter.com/princey1976/status/1246451216172924935?s=20
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