Vasileios Lampos, a computer scientist at University College London, and other researchers have found that a bevy of symptom-related searches — loss of smell as well as fever and shortness of breath — have tracked outbreaks around the world.
Searches for “no puedo oler” (“I can’t smell”) are 10X higher /Google search in #Ecuador than #Spain, though Ecuador officially reports more than 10X fewer Covid-19 cases per capita than Spain

"...suggests Ecuador may be even more #Covid-19 epicenter than official data says.
Searches for “non sento odori” (“I can’t smell”) spiked in #Italy as the coronavirus outbreak spread — but before a report was released identifying the possible symptom.
Search data offers suggestive evidence eye pain can be symptom of the disease. Might only affect a small fraction of Covid-19 patients. Search volume for eye pain, despite rising substantially in Covid-19 hot spots, remains below search volume for other sx
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