Did you know there are 6 types of narcissists? While they all follow the same basic playbook, each narcissist is unique. So let's get to know the 6 different types of narcissist!! 1/
1. The Cerebral narcissist has a profound belief that they have a superior intellect, that their intelligence far exceeds everyone around them. They love to wax eloquent on their "knowledge" of many topics.
2. The Somatic narcissist is consumed with their physical appearance. Constantly at the gym, following every diet fad, wearing the latest fashion trend. They like to surround themselves with beautiful people and seek constant affirmation of their appearance. 3/
3. The Overt narcissist must always be in control. They are always right, they cannot be corrected. Every thing must always be about them. To them "my way or the highway" is more like "my way or my way." They will verbally slice anyone who gets in their way. 4/
4. The Covert narcissist appears to the outside world to be kind, gentle, and full of integrity. They save their cruelty for only a select few, maybe even a singular victim. These are the kinds that no one will ever believe how horrible they are behind closed doors. 5/
5. The Parasitic narcissist latches onto their host (someone out of their range - financially, looks, popularity, intelligence) and slowly sucks the life out of them. They go for strong, good looking, intelligent partners. They like being associated with their trophy partner. 6/
The Boomerang narcissist pops in and out of your life. They offer very little, just show up and take from you. They often have a variety of co-dependant relationships that serve as their supply, and they bounce from one supply to the next. 7/
A narcissist can filter through all six of these descriptions and maybe be more than one at a time. I was married to a covert/parasitic narcissist and I didn't see it until we separated. She latched onto me and drained my soul for decades. Everyone thinks she's a saint. 8/
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