a pattern i have when it comes to books and information is that i prefer books that i can reference rather than books i need to sit down and read. i obviously read but over the last few months, i have completely changed my reading habits.
during the late summer and fall, i was going to the library a lot and reading an average of 5 books a month just for fun and to give myself something to do. but really, i prefer gathering information by observing. that tends to be the way i learn most often.examples & application
i will read a paragraph or two of something and then not pick up that book again for months because i prefer to learn in segments or themes. it's just how my brain works and how i'm able to retain information and access it then build on it.
i just need "themes". any word can trigger something in my memory because my brain kinda works like a filing cabinet. but i'm the only person that knows the system to where i keep things. it's very scorpio mercury + virgo rising in action. i just be knowing shit honestly.
i know how to put patterns together and that helps when it comes to being a person that does math and science based activities every day. i can build on any knowledge base if you let me learn on my own and don't tell me *how* to learn.
i used to get in trouble in school for reading ahead and knowing answers before the class got to that part of the lesson and i'm like ... ??????

why am i getting in trouble for taking initiative for teaching myself? lol. public school was so ass backwards man.
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