👉👉 Thread on the Archetypes of the Masculine 👈👈

You’ve seen talk of MASCULINE ARCHETYPES run amok recently w/ almost PSYCHOTIC FERVOR.

A YouTube channel seems to spawn once every 13.7 seconds...




In Truth there are 6 MAIN ARCHETYPES

The leader. The chick magnet. The cool Professor. Outspoken, with sociopathic confidence. Orbited by betas - his power comes from their awe of him. So why are we so obsessed with “being alpha” in today’s society? Men FRANTICALLY search the web for answers...
With the influx of free online knowledge, many lower status males have recognized they are “not alpha” and attempt emulation to climb the socio-sexual hierarchy. They often become jaded when they recognize the maneuvering and underhandedness implicit to the Alpha lifestyle.

The “regular” dude. Worth less than betas to society. White knight extraordinaire; one who refuses to accept his lot in society. He lacks the understanding and rationality of the beta and alpha; often pedestalizing women while rejecting the fattys on his level
The Pareto principle applies here, and Deltas are the majority of the 85%+ of men who are neither Alpha nor Sigma. These guys tend to be confused about life in general - they have a skill or two in their back pocket, but when push comes to shove, they sink. Ambivert/unattractive.

The beta male is the guy who rides the Alpha’s jockstrap. Contrary to popular belief, these guys CAN be pretty good looking and charming; however they always defer to Alphas when push comes to shove. They understand life and women and can be very intelligent.
Many betas are happy, secure in themselves, and have good jobs. They will never taste the cream of the crop for too long, but they are the bedrock of society and the status quo. They just want to get along and sing koombaya ....

Weird, unattractive, + think too much with weak action. That weird kid wearing goth clothes playing YuGiOh during lunch break, the “loud but barely makes eye contact” type. They tend to be BiPolar + either romanticize life and women go full on dark/cynical on us.
When their last vestige of hope regarding life and the prospects of sexual selection fade, they can turn homicidal. These are the school shooter types. It pains me to even type about these guys. Extroverted and unattractive. So far, Alpha>Beta>Delta>Gamma.

These guys are at rock bottom. Cheetos stains on t-shirt, 100+lbs overweight. Knowing this, they grow indifferent to women and to social mores. Clueless, damaged, and undesirable. Their life philosophy comes from obscure Zelda Fanfic. Introverted and unattractive.

My personal preference. Sigma Males often were unpopular in childhood. Few people come to reject societal mores because they were extremely popular during childhood. However as adults they are cunning, assertive, and intelligent. Also a bit withdrawn + mysterious.
Many betas, omegas etc. mistake the Sigma for an Alpha. The difference is that the Sigma analyzes all the failings of societal hierarchy and fundamentally rejects it. Still, with his emotional fortitude and cunning, he succeeds with women and in life. Introverted/attractive
The psychic forces at work in the listed archetypes are a generalization. In truth, we all have some mix of the various archetypes present at all times somewhere in our psyches. These numinous forces guide us only if we ACCEPT the current Tao Flow of our lives
Too many people want to identify as Alpha or Sigma without putting in the work. You can’t just THINK yourself to the top of the food chain. If you’d like to be one of the few men who climbs up from Beta/delta, or even Omega/Gamma to Alpha/Sigma, you have to PUT IN WORK.
And even if you do make the attempt, there’s no guarantees you will succeed. The universe is exacting - ratios stay in tact. I’d estimate maybe 9% of men are truly Alpha, 1% truly Sigma. About 20% are beta, 60% are Delta and 10% are Omega/Gamma.
This was a fun thought experiment but remember that that’s all it is. There is no such thing in real time flesh and blood as a “delta male” or whatever. You are the fundamental principle incarnated into man flesh. If you’d like to move up the hierarchy, put in the work. DM if Q’s
You can follow @TheBodhisattva4.
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