So funny seeing Anti-SJWs getting so pissy over this tweet
Apparently asking for more representation in Anime is Colonism and imperialism?
This right here is JUST like No Bullshit’s argument to why Trans people shouldn’t be represented because they’re a low population, it’s stupid and it’s use to shut down criticism on the lack of representation of minority groups in media.
EXTRA! EXTRA! Showing that POC and LGBTQ+ people exists in media that make bank every year apparently ruins them! EXTRA! EXTRA!
Yes it did!
CW: T-Slur
Using Pop Culture and Population to mask your Dislike for Minorities is always fun to see
This is a pretty dumb argument, the whole showing a bunch of images of POC and LGBTQ+ people in anime. It doesn’tprove your point it just shows that Japan does have representation and diversity.
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