
This Primarily used to prevent and treat malaria
Also used for amebiasis, rheumatoid arthritis and lupus erthematosus
Discovered in 1934
On the list of The Who essential medicines
Has been deemed the safest and most effective medicines needed in a health system
Available as a generic medication
Wholesale cost is $0.04 per dose
US cost to patient $5.30 per dose

Chloroquine enters the red blood cells by diffusion. It inhibits the parasite cells from growing within the red blood cells.

Chloroquine stays in the body for a long ...
... time.

Doses are typically 1 per week for prevention of malaria. For treatment, it is taken for 3 days - first is a high dose, followed by two small doses.

For amebiasis, you take high doses for 2 days and smaller does over the next 2 to 3 days.

Chloroquine increases ...
... the alkalinity of a cell. This impair the release of the virus within the cell. Cells with low acidity aids in the release of the virus. The alkalinity prevents the genetic material of the virus from entering the cell thereby preventing it from replicating.
The Coronavirus causes respiratory infection leading to pneumonia like conditions. Build up of fluids, pus and dead cell materials fill the lungs. Cures for pneumonia like conditions include antibiotics and antivirals.

Using Chloroquine controls the growth of the ...
... coronavirus within the body. This reduces the process of creating the pneumonia like conditions. The pneumonia that has developed is cured by an antibiotic.

Hydroxychloroquine is another version of Chloroquine except it is used for more conditions and is about ...
... 1/4 the price of Chloroquine.

Hydroxychloroqine was approved for use in the United States in 1955 and is considered the 128th most prescribed drug in America with more than 5 million prescriptions. The Who lists it as one of the safest and effective medications needed.
... pneumonia and symptoms were reduced one day earlier. The control group's improvement rate was 55%.

Here, Breitbart points to three studies where Chloroquine showed promise in the recovery of coronavirus.

From my previous thread.
My previous thread was inspired by a report by Tucker on FoxNews.
This information was available about a month ago. The cure period has been shown to be about 6 days.

Trump began suggesting Chloroquine be used to cure coronavirus about two weeks ago. The FDA has approved the use of Chloroquine as a cure for coronavirus a week ago.
What happened?

The mockingbirds and the left began a media campaign to instill fear in people regarding the promising medication. They turned many people's health into a political issue.

The thing about ventilators, they could be pushing the fluids, pus and dead cell ...
... materials deeper into the lungs of people who are already weak. When people die, they are dying because of the pneumonia like condition. They are suffocating.

In today's press conference, the mockingbirds were overtly bullying @realDonaldTrump to not use this medication. ...
... It is clear they don't want a solution. It is obvious to me, Trump is done with his objectives. Over 40,000 people who were stuck overseas were brought back home. We are in the process of shutting down drug trafficking and potential human trafficking.

There has been ...
... over 3,000 deaths in America. Now Trump is initiating a large scale testing with Hydroxychloroquine on 3,000 patients. The results will be visible in 6 days to two weeks. By then the graphs will level out and we will be heading to the clear. The treatment Trump is ...
... recommending we use will cure the rest of the inflicted. We will be in the clear soon and we will be able to open back up. Without the treatment, this could extend well through summer and make certain our economy will enter into another great depression.

I trust Trump.
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